NOTE: This repeater was burned out in a wildfire Summer 2024. It is no longer operational. Plans to rebuild it are underway, but are dependent on getting Grant Funding (Jan/2025)

19″ Rack sitting on top of the VHF duplexer. Note Daniels electronics is no longer there!
Ariel view. Only the cement (blocks) base of the previous building is still present. The 2-bay VHF antenna survived!
UHF Antenna burnt out and on the ground.
Nothing that was wood is left.
Where the previous wooden stairs into the top of the building were.

You can compare the pictures above, with the original installed pictures below:

This is a solar and battery power repeater. User frequency is 145.170- (100 Hz tone). It is linked to the Slocan Ridge site via UHF (444.550) simplex link. Site is located on Lavina mountain at 7300 feet.

  • Daniels Electronics VHF and UHF combined repeater
  • RC210 repeater controller, running VE7IHL custom firmware
  • Idle battery draw is less than 1/2 amp from 12V batteries!

2023 Lavina Trip Report:

UHF Link Antenna and (2) 100 Watt Solar Panels

Solar panels

2 bay VHF Antenna

(8) 100 Ah SLA batteries (Room for 8 total)

Daniels MT3 Repeater in 19 inch cabinet. 4 cavity VHF duplexer on bottom shelf