West Kootenay Amateur Radio Club (WKARC) is incorporated under the Societies Act of British Columbia.
Located in Nelson, BC, Canada.
Mandate: The purpose of the WKARC is to promote and assist in the use of amateur radio communications.
WKARC has been serving the local Ham Radio community for over 50 years. Serving the Nelson, Castlegar, Kootenay Lake, and Duncan Lake areas. Our amateur radio club provides volunteer communications for events throughout the region. Club members are active in every facet of the hobby and they maintain several analog, digital, VHF & UHF mountain top repeaters. We are Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) Operators licensed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (formerly Industry Canada).
- We meet informally on Saturday mornings 10:00am at Finley’s Pub https://www.finleys.ca/
Latest Information:
VE7RCT 146.640- USES a 100 Hz CTCSS TONE!
Change Your Radio to use the 100.0 Hz CTCSS tone!
VE7RCT is now transmitting a 100 Hz CTCSS tone too. You may hear a “slight” tone on the repeater when no one is speaking.
2024-2025 Membership Dues
This is now due. If you are a WKARC member and have not submitted your $30 yearly dues, please do so now! If you would like to join WKARC, please do and enjoy using the repeater network.
Information on how you can pay your WKARC dues are as follows:
You can pay by Interact E-transfer at your bank, use my email address rick.paynter@shaw.ca for the transfer.
Or, you can pay by cheque, made out to the West Kootenay Amateur Radio Club. Mail it to:
West Kootenay Amateur Radio Club
C/O Rick Paynter
15-651 Rosedale Rd.
Castlegar, BC V1N 4L2
WKARC Repeaters:
- Slocan Ridge VE7RCT 146.640- (100 Hz tone)
- Slocan Ridge VE7RRW 145.130- (100 Hz tone)
- Crawford Bay VE7BTU 147.060+ (100 Hz tone)
- Nelson/Taghum VE7BDY 147.040+ (100 Hz tone)
Kootenay/Duncan Lake VE7WKM (Lavina Mountain) 145.170- (100 Hz tone)(Not operational a this time Jan/2025)
- Beaver Valley Amateur Radio Club https://www.qsl.net/ve7caq/
- East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club https://ekarc.ca
- North Okanagan Amateur Radio Club https://www.norac.bc.ca/
- Kelowna OCARC https://www.ocarc.ca/
- West Coast Amateur Radio Association https://www.ve7vic.ca/
- Radio Amateurs of Canada https://www.rac.ca/sitemap/
If you are looking for Lane VE7IHL’s web site, use this link: https://lanewilson.ca
If you are looking for Lane Wilson Consulting Services, use this link: https://lanewilsonconsulting.ca
For more information contact: info@wkarc.ca