This repeater is located in Taghum, just outside of Nelson. It is located at Lane VE7IHL’s residence and is used mostly as an experimental repeater to test new firmware development for the RC210 repeater controller. it has reasonably good coverage to the Nelson and Castlegar areas.

In consists of
- Daniels Electronics MT-3 VHF repeater
- Motorola GM300 UHF simplex linking radio
- RC210 v3.5 repeater controller, running VE7IHL custom firmware
- AllStar node connected to the RC210 repeater port #3. The AllStar node is running on a Raspberry PI 3.
- Sinclair 4 cavity VHF duplexer
- Dual-band OMNI antenna at about 40 feet.
For the user who wants to know how the RC210 controller has been interface to the Daniels SubRack, the technical information is provided in this PDF document: